Episode 1.18: You Might Be A Cylon

The game of finding the Cylon agent and winning fabulous prizes!

Link: Battlestar Galactica (Sci-Fi Channel); BattlestarGalactica.com; Cylon Centurion 3D Model (David Kerin); The Price is Right (tpir.tv)

Now hosted by Blip.tv

29 Comments to “Episode 1.18: You Might Be A Cylon”

  1. I believe the local strumpet that assaulted the Dr. was the real cylon.

    - Andrew C, July 18th, 2006
  2. I am one…of two siblings. Wow it seems that Sheba and I have something in common. Siblings. Not that we are cylons. Of course I might be a cylon!

    - Maverick, July 18th, 2006
  3. Wow – Matt Damon’s best work since Chasing Amy!

    - Charles Kinbote, July 18th, 2006
  4. Brilliant! I liked all of the special effects and such!

    - CarLBanks, July 18th, 2006
  5. Hilarious ! i’d like to emphasize on the performance of the Justin Timberlake-lookalike-cylon and on the appealing Casey’s back :too hot for the summer ! !

    - jeanphi, July 18th, 2006
  6. Cool! I’m big fan of the BSG, so I realy enjoyed this parody!
    Keep up the good work!


    - Ignác, July 18th, 2006
  7. Hey, I just hit your VLog accidently and watched the actual entry – well to be honest I watched the whole archives, too. You guys just did awesome work in every single episode. Just wanted to give you some feedback – great work, keep it up. I’ll surely stop by more often now.
    Thanks for making my evening a lot more interesting and funnier than usual ;)


    - Tatti, July 18th, 2006
  8. I know, I know, I say the same thing every time. BUT, WHY on EARTH would you continue to kill off the pretty ones? *sigh*

    I love the Price is Right clips. Especially since they’re old, very classy! Although, Bob Barker should have been worked into the mix. HEY, I know, replace Bryan Seacreate (whatever his name was) with Bob Barker!!! AWESOME!

    Great work guys & gal. Keep up the AWESOME work!

    - Andy Melton, July 18th, 2006
  9. I laughed I cried, my back glowed. does that make me a hermaphro-cylon, or a shylonomale?

    - Baron Von Hoser, July 18th, 2006
  10. Yous guys. That’s some funny frackin’ stuff right there.

    - Joe, July 18th, 2006
  11. Very suspenseful, although, I think you flushed the wrong guy. It was contestant number one, the one that looked like a girl.

    - W.O., July 18th, 2006
  12. I think I have to agree with W.O.

    - Andy Melton, July 19th, 2006
  13. really nice production work. you guys should pick up a couple of lav mics — they are definitely worth the investment especially after all the work you put into the visuals. rock on…

    - Steve Woolf, July 19th, 2006
  14. Ok where to being this comment? …

    BSG = Greatest show currently being made.
    Galacticast = close second. :-P

    I’m going to move to whereever your studios are just so I can watch the creation process happen a few times :-)

    frakin’ great.

    - David Meade, July 19th, 2006
  15. Awesome! I loved your “Battlestar Galactica” parody. What a swell show. Whatever happened to it, anyway? Just kind of disappeared. (Sarcasm warning.)

    Well, since you’re really taking suggestions, here’s a rough idea: “Failed Universe.” (Named after the Adam Warren, “Gen 13” comic, natch.) It is a confrontational, intervention talk show for fans of sci fi and fantasy shows that were cancelled during or after their first season. The first obvious target, “Firefly.” Make sure to have fully costumed Trekkers and Jedi in the audience calling the Browncoats, “Losers.” Perhaps you can get your fellow Canadians from http://www.mosquitoverse.com/index.html to guest star.

    One other request, I dig “Smallville.” I’d love to see your take on it.


    - Jerry, July 19th, 2006
  16. Hi there Galacticast crew,

    I came across your vlog a few days ago and I just wanted to say how amazing all your episodes are! Congrats!!

    I’m having a hard time trying to educate myself so that I watch one episode a day only, so that I can extend my pleasure… hehehe… I guess I have at least one more week of daily fun! :) Are you guys in Montreal???

    Keep up the great work!


    - Leonardo, July 22nd, 2006
  17. That was great – your best one so far! I really loved the Blade Runner quote, that was perfect.

    - Verdi, July 22nd, 2006
  18. waitaminute…Edward James Olmos is Canadian?

    I loved the inclusion of the tortoise bit, too!

    - missbhavens, July 23rd, 2006
  19. I love it when you guys do the game/talk show format. This was amazing!!!

    The bloopers at the end rock, too. xoxo

    - Amanda Congdon, July 23rd, 2006
  20. [...] For behind-the-scenes photos from our You Might Be A Cylon and Intergalactic Video Dating shoots, click here. [...]

    - GALACTICAST, July 23rd, 2006
  21. Hi Casey was that really you (http://www.blogger.com/profile/15780987) who posted the first and only comment on my very new unimportant blog.

    If so thanks


    By the way “I might be a cylon” :-D

    - Steven, July 23rd, 2006
  22. Great Show!!

    I am not really into Sci-Fi, and have never seen Battlestar Gallactic, but you still manage to crack me up everytime!! Just wanted you to know that your material is even funny to those who miss some of the inside jokes.

    Keep up the great work!

    - Jon Wedd, July 24th, 2006
  23. [...] And always remember: You might be a Cylon! [...]

    - mixtape dlx » Blog Archive », July 27th, 2006
  24. that was snakes on a mother fraking cylon cool.

    - fred, August 5th, 2006
  25. Wouldn’t that be “Snakes on a Viper”? Uh, that’s kinda redundant, and it sounds like a snake porno. Never Mind.

    - Wrightbrain, August 7th, 2006
  26. [...] Links: Queen Kong; The Show; You Might Be A Cylon; SadCast; Ask A Ninja; Dany-Art.com (coming soon) comments(20) These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. [...]

    - GALACTICAST, October 8th, 2006
  27. Still the best one so far. Brilliant!

    - Kahvi, January 9th, 2007
  28. Just watched this again after starting to watch Battlestar Galactica and WOW! I understand it a lot better now!

    This is a brilliant episode and is now one of my favorites!

    - Jonathan Bloom, June 15th, 2007
  29. I knew he was the Cylon!

    El Cylono was just.. Mexican…

    - Rush the chosen one, November 21st, 2007

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